The invisible burden: Importance of recognizing the signs of depression in workplace

Mental health issues can completely alter the lives of those who suffer from it. Naturally, this will also impact every part of their life, including work life. Mental health problems in the workplace can hamper an employee’s productivity. Most people choose to suffer in silence out of fear of judgment, career security, etc.

Corporates must cultivate an environment where the mental health issues of employees will be dealt with with compassion. By implementing different measures such as mental health awareness programs, destigmatizing discussions about mental health, etc. can extend a helping hand to their hard-working employees.

Recognizing the subtle indicators of possible mental health problems early on can prevent mental health issue symptoms from becoming intense. Prioritizing the well-being of employees will also help the corporate companies themselves in the long run.

Let’s first learn about what are the different types of subtle signs of mental health issues; then, we can learn about the ways to destigmatize mental health issues and things corporate can do to provide employees with some support.

Identifying Subtle Indicators Of Mental Health Issues

There are some not-so-apparent signs of depression. They are not always easy to spot. However, if these signs are recognized and treated at the right time, it can make a huge difference. Here are the signs to look out for

  • Having mental health issues can make individuals feel very tired and low on energy. No amount of rest seems to take away the fatigue in them.
  • Mental health disorders can hamper your sleep patterns. You either end up developing hypersomnia(excessive sleeping) or insomnia( lack of sleep).
  • Mental health concerns can change your appetite. So you either eat too little or too much.
  • Mental health problems can make individuals suffer from unexplained pain and body aches. The individuals themselves are often unable to understand the reason behind the pain.
  • Mental health issues can make individuals lose their interest in hobbies and activities that they used to enjoy.
  • Mental health concerns can affect your cognitive capabilities, making it hard for you to focus on work or anything in general.
  • Mental health problems can make individuals irritable and socially withdrawn, further increasing their feelings of loneliness.
  • Mental health issues can put individuals in a negative mindset. So, some turn to substance abuse or even self-harm to cope with that.


There is no doubt that indicating such complex symptoms can actually be challenging, especially in a workplace setting. However, there are ways that corporate bodies can take to identify such signs of depression in their employees.

Work From Home Setting:
The New Concern In Corporate Mental Health World

In recent times, there has been a shift in work settings around the world. At present, many people work remotely from their homes. However, this has been negatively impacting the mental health of many people.

In such work settings, the clean line between professional and personal lives can often get blurred, causing stress. The absence of face-to-face social interaction can result in feelings of frustration and loneliness. Some have a hard time disconnecting from their work even after work hours are over.

So, in the end, maintaining a proper work-life balance becomes very tough. Individuals need to pay attention to their mental health no matter what. Corporate settings should try to maintain healthy work environments with proper breaks and practical deadlines. This will only make employees more productive.

Types Of Stigmas Regarding Mental Health At Work Place

There are different types of mental health stigma that can hold back people from opening up about their struggles. Here they are –

1. Social stigma

In workplaces, people with mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, etc, might stay quiet out of the fear of harsh judgment, isolation, and discrimination by their colleagues.

They choose to shut themselves away because they do not want to be perceived as unreliable and incompetent.

2. Professional Stigma

When mental health challenges prevent employees from unlocking their full potential at work, it is known as professional stigma. This stigma can further discourage employees from speaking up about their mental health issues. This is because they fear adverse effects on their career and job security.

3. Structural stigma

This stigma refers to the systemic barriers within the workplace that can prevent the recognition and support of mental health problems. The absence of mental health policies, inadequate resources of support, insufficient training of the managers, etc, can build an environment where mental health is not a priority.

4. Self Stigma

Some people may carry internalized shame and guilt because of their mental health issues. So, they consider themselves unworthy and incapable. This distorted self-perception can affect their work performance and hinder their capability to ask for help.

Find A Mental Health Provider

Arrange counseling sessions with a mental health provider. They can use evidence-based approaches to inspire your employees to speak up about their struggle with mental health issues. They can also spread awareness and facts about mental health issues. This will foster better understanding in the workplace.

To address these stigmas, corporate offices need to take steps that can destigmatize mental health issues in the workplace.

Ways The Corporate World Can Destigmatize Mental Health
In The Workplace

There are several steps that corporates can take to ease discussions regarding mental well-being at the workplace. Here they are –

1. Encourage self-care

Promote self-care practices amongst the employees through different wellness programs. Ensure that your employees are taking regular breaks, engaging in mindfulness activities, and taking part in fitness initiatives arranged at the workplace. Demonstrate your commitment to your employees’ holistic well-being to foster a positive environment.

2. Implement mental health practices

Establish clear mental health policies. Clearly communicate with your employees and provide mental health resources such as counseling services and mental health days. Do publicize these policies well so that all the employees can access them.

3. Training and awareness programs

Provide regular and proper training sessions to increase awareness about mental health issues. When everybody in the workplace has adequate knowledge, they can easily recognize the signs of mental distress. So they will be more supportive and understanding towards their colleagues.

4. Flexible work setting

Offer flexible work schedules as well as remote work options. This will accommodate the needs of every individual and reduce the pressure of rigid work-structure. This will enhance their mental well-being.

Caring for the mental well-being of your employees will profit both the company and the people working for it.

How Can Psychotherapy Help
Develop Corporate Mental-Well Being?

Here are some approaches that mental health providers use to ensure corporate well-being.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

ACT will empower employees to navigate the challenges posed by their mental health issues in a healthy way. Through this therapy mental health providers can teach people in the corporate setting about acceptance of their own values, mindfulness, etc.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

This therapy can equip mental health professionals with the necessary tools to eliminate negative thought patterns from the minds of individuals. By fostering self-resilience and self-awareness, mental health providers help employees manage work stress, and communicate better with colleagues. This will promote a healthy, supportive workplace culture.

FAQs About How Corporate Can Ensure
Mental Well-Being Of Employees

Here are some approaches that mental health providers use to ensure corporate well-.being-

Q1) What are the different types of mental health illnesses that people can face at the workplace?

Individuals can suffer from a variety of mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, stress issues, etc, at the workplace.

Q2) Why do individuals hesitate to speak about mental health issues at the workplace?

Individuals can choose to keep quiet about their mental health problems for a variety of reasons, such as fear of judgment, job security issues, etc.

Q3) What steps can corporate workplaces take to ensure the mental well-being of employees?

Employers can take various steps, such as arranging mental health awareness campaigns, offering flexible work hours, etc, to foster an environment where employees can get mental health support.

Wrapping things up!

Happy employees and happy workers mean more productivity and better performance. In the fast-paced world of today, it is important to take care of your mental well-being. If you’re looking for compassionate mental health services in NYC you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

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