Role of Mindfulness & Relaxation to Help with Depression

Depression is often characterized by a feeling that it is all-encompassing and the pain will never end. It also affects your day-to-day life, not just your mood, sometimes making you think that things will never be the same again. However, do not lose hope. Just because these are losses doesn’t mean that they are final. Through this, there are ways you can get through them, with Mindfulness-Based Therapy being a good example.

This approach to therapy is prone to science and is useful for relaxation. So this means that it can have a big impact on how you live your life and make it easier for you to overcome the hard times. Even if you’ve had depression before, it’s still something that can be confusing and difficult to understand. But that does not mean nothing can be done about it. You’ll be able to find what feels more possible for moving forward by getting better insights into what’s going on inside of your head.

What is Depression?

Depression is a disorder of mental health with some accompanying symptoms that may differ from person to person.

  • Depression has many causes such as,
  • Inheritance and biology
  • Psychological bents

Exterior factors

Stressful or traumatic events in life like bereavement, abuse, illness or relationship issues can also provoke depression or make it worse.

Depression Symptoms

  • Persistently sad mood: Some people feel sad while speaking but the type of sadness associated with depression may last longer even after the time of sadness has ended.
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in activities: Depression leads to anhedonia where affected individuals cease taking part in any activities involving pleasure anymore.
  • Altered appetite and weight: Disturbances in appetite may occur among depressed patients whose previously enjoyed food items might not taste as good as before.
  • Sleep disturbances or fatigue: Some people suffering from depression find themselves either sleeping too much or having a few hours of sleep and this affects their energy levels.
  • Cognitive changes: Forgetting things is also common among these individuals as they find themselves unable to concentrate on a few issues.
  • Feeling worthless, guilty or demoralized: Depression is always sad but in some cases it may cause extreme feelings of guilt, hopelessness, and shame.

In individuals with depression, the feelings may be either temporary or unending depending on its course.

What Is Mindfulness?

It is simply being aware of one’s internal self and surroundings, not future or past oriented awareness.

How do Mindfulness and Depression Intersect?

Mindfulness and depression seem to have something in common especially in terms of ruminations/worry. In other words, depression may be characterized by significant periods of rumination or deep thinking. These can either be eradicated directly or indirectly through mindfulness resulting in a relaxed feeling for the depressed people.

Depression often includes repetitive negative thoughts that revolve around the past and the future. Mindfulness promotes attention to what is happening right now without any judgment. This can help people who are depressed leave cycles of rumination behind them.

Further, such mindfulness-based techniques as meditation will bring relaxation thus reducing stress and anxiety which are common symptoms associated with depression. By becoming more attuned to their thoughts and emotions without reacting, individuals with depression can develop strategies for dealing with difficult feelings.

In general, mindfulness equips individuals with ways of steering their minds clear of dark places and taking charge over them, which is beneficial to those at risk of depression. Through staying focused on the present moment, mindfulness serves as a counterbalance to the tendency of depressed people to ruminate on negatives.

Counseling Support for Depression

Psychotherapy commonly referred as talk therapy involves examining and addressing elements surrounding depression such as negative thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors.

Psychotherapy by Gita Sawhney at GS Mental Health & Wellness in New York can help people who are looking for treatments for depression by:

Types of Psychotherapy

There are different types of psychotherapy which are effective in dealing with depression; each type has its own objectives, approaches and effects.

These types include:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT):

CBT is an acronym for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. It is a kind of treatment that assists individuals with mental problems. CBT concentrates on the interrelationship among our thoughts, actions and emotions.

The Relationship Between Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors.

According to CBT our feelings and actions are determined by our thoughts. For instance if we have a negative thought like “I am a failure” it makes us feel sad or anxious. Those feelings may then lead to behaviors like avoiding challenges or not socializing.

On the other hand, thinking positive thoughts can make us feel good and act in healthy ways. For example “I can do this” can give us confidence in starting relationships and pursuing goals.

Unhelpful thought processes can be identified through CBT. It shows how negative thoughts could be challenged and replaced with more realistic ones that are positive. This change in attitude will definitely improve mood thus changing behavior patterns for better.

Therefore thoughts play an important role in mood regulation according to CBT. One may feel better both physically and emotionally when they alter their patterns of thinking. In fact, this makes CBT a useful way of treating mental illness including depression, anxiety among others.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT):

This involves equipping patients with skills to enhance their interactions’ quality as well as functions and their social roles. The IPT model helps individuals in resolving issues arising from engagement in society, for instance, families, friendships, relationships, and workmates.

Mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder are commonly treated using IPT.

Problem-solving therapy:

Problem-solving therapy educates people on how to handle challenges they face in their lives. This is done by teaching them how to identify their problems clearly.

Thereafter it guides them through coming up with solutions. They are also taught how to think about many answers for an issue.

After this stage they have to compare all the advantages and disadvantages of each solution identified before making up their minds on what to do next. The most suitable option is selected and an action plan created.

Problem-solving therapy teaches people how to systematically address overwhelming problems.

This empowers them to change difficult circumstances and take control of their lives more effectively. Unlike other types of therapy, problem solving therapy is very practical.

These are some common aspects of psychotherapy for depression:

  • In relation with the therapist establishing rapport and engagement.
  • Making clear or specific therapy goals
  • Revealing your world, thoughts, feelings, physical sensations
  • They must listen to their therapist who continually gives feedback together with advice.
  • Using acquired skills and strategy in day-to-day life.
  • Self-regulation of monitoring and assessing one’s advancements and results.

Psychotherapy for depression can be delivered
in different formats

  • Psychotherapy can be provided through one-to-one counseling, group therapy, couples therapy, or family therapy.
  • It can also be conjoined with other kinds of treatment like medicine, change in lifestyle, and alternative therapy.
  • Depression psychotherapy duration and frequency depend on the symptom intensity type and what the patient requires.
  • Psychotherapy for depression normally takes two or three sessions of thirty minutes to one hour on a weekly basis for a few weeks to several months.

On the other hand, psychotherapy is not an overnight remedy or a universal prescription for the treatment of depression.

  • This involves commitment on the part of the therapist and patient. It additionally depends on whether the therapist and the therapy are suitable, available, and accessible.
  • As such, it should be imperative to seek advice from a certified and well-trained medical professional on mental issues who will evaluate the scenario and suggest a suitable route to follow.

Let a Therapist Guide You

Though depression is very common among people, mindfulness as a form of practicing self-awareness and paying attention to what is happening at the present moment can serve as an effective mechanism for improving one’s mood and quality of life.

Gita Sawhney at GS Mental Health & Wellness in New York, will assist the individuals to re-evaluate their perception with such thoughts and feelings as well as the development of adaptive skills.

Mindfulness is an effective tool of psychotherapy that can also make a great contribution to one’s treatment plan and become very useful in the context of the whole lifelong learning process aimed at the improvement and acquisition of happiness.

Book your therapy sessions today, help is right at your fingertips at GS Mental Health & Wellness in New York.

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