Impact of Trauma on Young Adults:

Definition, types, associated issues and treatment

Trauma is basically a form of emotional and psychological response to a severely distressing occurrence. The situation usually involves feelings of fear, helplessness, horror and so on. Trauma can have lasting effects on an individual.

Trauma can affect young adults and impact their life and well-being as a whole in the long run. Young adults basically refers to the age group between 18 and 24. Trauma can come from various sources such as abuse, loss, major accidents, etc. Trauma can affect a young adult’s mental health, relationships and overall life in general.

Understanding the deep rooted repercussions of trauma in young adults is necessary to foster empathy for them in society. If Young adults are somebody with trauma do not hesitate to reach out for help.

If Young adults are residing in New York Young adults can find a trauma therapist in nyc to heal yourself from trauma that Young adults might have suffered or might be suffering from.

The different types of trauma in Young adolescents

Young adults might experience different types of trauma that can completely alter their emotional, mental and physical well being.

  • Different types of abuse such as physical , psychological and sexual abuse can create deep trauma.
  • Bullying in any form be it physical, mental , verbal , etc, can be severely traumatic to people and can affect their whole life.
  • Witnessing or being a victim of domestic violence can lead to trauma.
  • Experiencing sexual assault might deeply traumatize young adults causing distress.
  • Life threatening accidents, loss of loved ones through some mishap can also create trauma in many people.
  • Surviving or living in war-torn areas can create severe trauma in many individuals.
  • High academic pressure can lead to trauma in many young adults.
  • Experiences of workplace harassment can also impact the mental health of young adults causing trauma.
  • In case Young adults living in New York and struggling because of trauma. They can find best trauma treatment in NYC.

The types of mental health disorders trauma can cause in young adults

Trauma can make young adult individuals prone to a variety of mental health issues that are not dealt with properly. Trauma can certainly make your life challenging.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Trauma if left untreated can come back as nightmares, flashbacks or intrusive thoughts related to traumatic events. This can result in hypervigilance, excessive arousal and avoidance of situations that can trigger trauma.


Trauma can hold Young adults back from enjoying life normally like others. Young adults might develop persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. Young adults might lose interest in activities Young adults used to enjoy before. This can also affect sleep patterns leading to either hypersomnia( excessive sleeping), or insomnia ( lack of sleep).

Anxiety disorders

Trauma and the stress caused by it can lead to Generalized Anxiety Disorder, panic attacks and phobias. Anxiety might make it difficult for young adults to concentrate on tasks, making them feel restless and worried. So these young generation keep worrying too much , feel restless and have difficulty concentrating.

Self Harm and suicidal ideation

Trauma can distort the image of self. Some people in order to combat these negative feelings might engage in self destructive behavior such as self harm, substance abuse. Some indivduals might become suicidal.

Dissociative disorder

Trauma can lead to dissociative disorder as a form of coping method to protect the mind from excessive distress. Traumatic events might make Young adults compartmentalize distressing thoughts and memories. So it might end up disconnecting between their thoughts, identity and consciousness. When this disassociation becomes a habit it turns into dissociative disorder. Young adults might feel detached, experience memory loss and have an unclear sense of identity.

Are Young adults suffering from the repercussions of trauma too? Always remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel. WIth proper help Young adults can heal from your trauma and live a fulfilling life.

Trauma treatment methods used by mental health providers

There are different medical treatment methods that mental health professionals use to treat trauma and its associated issues.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Mental Health providers use CBT to address trauma in young adults, its root causes and the mental health issues related to it. Through CBT the mental health provider will challenge negative thoughts and behaviors through guided mental exercises. Young adults will get to understand the impact of trauma on life from a clear perspective. Young adults will be able to navigate and manage distress more efficiently. CBT develops self-awareness, improve coping skills and helps Young adults regain control over their life.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy are used by mental health providers to treat trauma and its results. Through ACT Young adults will be encouraged to accept experiences and emotions leading to non-judgemental awareness. A mental health provider will guide Young adults to find purpose in their life that aligns with their own values. ACT aims to reduce trauma avoiding behavior. Young adults will be able to face challenges head on with this treatment.

Interpersonal Psychotherapy

Mental Health Providers use IPT to help people with trauma build better communication skills to improve their relationships and find a safe space for expression. The therapist will collaborate with Young adults to explore how trauma has impacted interpersonal connections. Through this assessment they will guide Young adults to develop healthier coping mechanisms. In IPT empathetic dialogue is used to build a sense of trust and belonging.

Apart from these Young adults also need to take the initiative of taking good care of themselves. With love for self and help from mental health providers Young adults can heal from the trauma affecting the young adult’s life. The mental health provider might also combine different therapy methods to build a tailored treatment method for you.


Q1) How can trauma affect young adults?

Trauma can severely bring down the quality of life of adults who suffer from trauma. If left untreated trauma can lead to different mental health issues in them such as anxiety, depression, etc.

Q2) How can young adults get traumatized?

Young adults can get traumatized for a variety of reasons such as abuse, bullying, etc. The trauma caused by such events can affect both mental and physical health.

Q3) What are the therapy methods used by therapists for trauma?

Therapists use a variety of treatment methods such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Interpersonal Psychotherapy, etc, to treat trauma and its related mental health issues. They might also combine multiple methods to build a tailored treatment for you.

Wrapping things up!

So are Young adults ready to free themselves from trauma? Do not hesitate and reach out to medical health professionals. They can help Young adults through evidence-based therapy methods. Young adults can also help themselves by taking care of themselves and sharing their experience with their loved ones.

To avail compassionate psychotherapy for trauma Young adultscan contact Gita Sawhney at her practice GS Mental Health & Wellness in Manhattan, New York.

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