How to overcome Trauma-and Stress-Related Disorders

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, trauma and stress-related disorders have profound effects on a person’s mental well-being and quality of life. These disorders, whether caused by a traumatic event, acute stress, or chronic trauma, invoke long-lasting feelings of intense fear, helplessness, and anxiety that can last for years.

But the good news is that with proper treatment from trauma therapists in New York and coping strategies, healing can be possible. This blog post provides an overview of trauma/stress disorders and some pointers on how to start recovering.

What Are Trauma And Stress-Related Disorders?

This class of diseases involves events that cause prolonged harmful reactions of the mind. Among them are Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Acute stress disorder, Adjustment Disorder, and Reactive Attachment Disorder which cause stress, this occurs when a child does not form healthy emotional bonds with their caregivers (usually parents) due to being emotionally neglected or abused during their early years this also includes experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event such as combat, disaster, violence, abuse, assault, etc.

Symptoms may include flashbacks, hypervigilance, avoidance, emotional numbness, etc. Acute stress disorder occurs soon after a traumatic event with similar but shorter-term symptoms. Adjustment disorders involve stress from major life changes that take a significant emotional toll. Reactive attachment disorder arises from very unstable caregiving in early life.

Why Do These Disorders Develop?

Studies show that trauma and chronic stress affect the structure and function of the brain. Specifically, amygdala reactivity increases whereas the hippocampus shrinks, which leads to memory impairment; moreover, the prefrontal cortex loses volume.

This area controls complex thinking and regulates emotions. This explains why many people experience flashbacks and irritability, among other common symptoms. They also possess traits linked to neurochemical imbalances, making them susceptible to developing trauma disorders.

Key Steps towards Recovering from Trauma

  • Seek professional treatment: Working with someone trained in psychotherapy for trauma counseling in NYC helps in processing traumatic memories using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). Medications may also be used to alleviate symptoms. In case you are looking for a psychotherapist, you can schedule a consultation with Gita Sawhney at GS Mental Health & Wellness Centre in Manhattan, New York.
  • Self-care: Sleep sufficiently, eat nutritious food, avoid alcohol, exercise, and engage in calming activities such as yoga that stabilize mood and manage stress. Take time to relax and rejuvenate.
  • Connect with others: Isolation makes trauma worse, so spend time with supportive friends and family members. Alternatively, consider joining a support group where one can find people who have undergone similar situations.
  • Be gentle on yourself: Healing is an ongoing process that takes time to happen. Do not criticize yourself because of what you feel or how you are progressing in your recovery process. There can be post-traumatic growth.
  • Keep routines: A sense of regularity and structure is helpful after chaos is experienced. Maintaining work, hobbies, routine house chores, and socializing will make it easier for the patient to cope with the changes.
  • Limit media exposure: Constant exposure to news about traumatic events through television or social media can cause re-traumatization. Therefore, try to take breaks from these platforms in order to calm your nervous system.
  • Practice mindfulness: Serenity, presence, and inner peace can be achieved by meditating, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in yoga or prayer; even being outdoors in nature helps.
  • Build resilience: Find activities that make you feel empowered and in control. Resilience can be built by helping others, learning new skills, setting goals, and keeping a gratitude journal.
  • Consider emotional support from pets: Pets play a crucial role during such moments due to their affectionate nature and pleasant distractions from emotional turmoil. Additionally, caring for pets adds meaning and joy to human lives.

When Should You Seek Emergency Support?

Most trauma disorders are manageable through outpatient care and self-help. On the other hand, if symptoms become severe, you may need additional support. In case of the following symptoms, seek emergency care for trauma treatment in New York:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Becoming detached from reality (delusions, hallucinations)
  • Being overpowered by feelings or urges
  • Disabling anxiety, recurring memories of a horrifying event while asleep, nightmares
  • Not being able to take care of yourself or carry out daily activities
  • Extreme hopelessness


Early intervention to emergency assistance can prevent a situation from escalating into a crisis. Some psychiatric hospitals have community-based outpatient programs where patients are provided with therapy, structure, and medication management. You can also personally consult psychotherapists in NYC for support

FAQs About Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders

Q1. Name Some Common Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders.

Examples of common disorders in this category include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, adjustment disorders, and reactive attachment disorder, which all involve a response to a traumatic or significantly distressing event.

Q2. Is it Possible to Fully Recover From a Trauma-Related Disorder?

Indeed yes, recovery is very possible when you consider professional treatment from a trauma psychotherapist in NYC, self-help strategies, support systems, and time. By willpower, one can decrease the effect of trauma on their life.

Q3. When Should I Seek Emergency Help for Trauma-Related Symptoms?

Emergency care should be sought when there are thoughts of self-harm or suicide, lack of touch with reality, or extreme hopelessness leading to incapacity as well as debilitation symptoms. This helps avoid mental health crises.

Q4. What Treatments are Effective for Trauma-Related Disorders?

Several methods that have proven effective include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), EMDR, medication management, mindfulness practices support group lifestyle changes like exercise and proper nutrition. The best approach is one that employs multiple strategies.

A Short Note

The process of recovering from trauma-related disorders requires hard work but is achievable. In this manner, you will eventually cope with the disturbing memories, regain your emotional equilibrium, and build a complete life. Relying on your inner strength and support from family members means you will make great strides in healing.

Although there is no way to completely forget any traumatic event that one has gone through in life, one can turn around its influence over his/her own life. The future holds several chances of being happy once again, finding meaning, and post-traumatic growth.

If you are struggling with trauma-related disorders, it is very essential to seek professional support. You can schedule a consultation with Gita Sawhney from GS Mental Health & Wellness Centre in Manhattan, New York who can provide this kind of assistance.


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