Finding Calm: Everyday Mindfulness for Living with OCD

Getting constantly affected by intrusive thoughts, loved ones getting harmed, managing uncertainty, rechecking if the stove is switched off again and again. This is how many individuals suffering from OCD live their everyday life.

OCD can completely exhaust people affecting their daily life and overall health. Mindfulness as a practice can be a useful tool in dealing with OCD symptoms.

Look for an efficient psychotherapist in NYC to deal with the symptoms of OCD in a healthy and constructive way.

Understanding OCD

What is OCD?

It is a chronic disorder of the mind characterized by incessant thoughts, images, or urges that one does not want (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) which they feel are necessary to execute.

Obsessions and compulsions usually interfere significantly with daily activities, hence causing distress in people who experience them. In other words, as irrational as these thoughts and actions may seem, it becomes difficult for individuals suffering from such conditions to let go. OCD can create an extreme fear of uncertainty in the affected individual. In order to fight off that fear and anxiety the individual might keep seeking reassurance from the people around them.

Common Symptoms of OCD


Unwanted intrusive thoughts coming into someone’s mind over and over again lead to significant anxiety or distress, which are known as obsessions. These obsessions focus on themes such as:

Fear of Contamination: A pervasive fear of germs, dirt, or illness, leading to intense anxiety about cleanliness.

Harm: Intrusive thoughts about causing harm to oneself or others, even if there is no desire to act on these thoughts.

Doubt: Persistent uncertainty about whether one has completed a task correctly, such as locking the door or turning off the stove.

Order and Symmetry: An overwhelming requirement for things to be orderly, symmetrical, or arranged in a specific way.


Compulsions are basically repetitive acts that a person feels compelled to perform due to their obsession and rules. These behaviors are performed to reduce or prevent anxiety and undesired events. These anxieties are usually not really connected with the anticipated result.

  • Oversharing/ Excessive Cleaning: People with OCD often keep washing their hands, cleaning different items, and sanitizing an area repeatedly due to fear of contamination.
  • Constant checking: Some people repeatedly check locks, household appliances, and other items to ensure safety.
  • Repeated Counting: People with OCD often engage in counting rituals to lessen anxiety.
  • Maintaining Order: OCD compels some people to organize things in particular ways to maintain symmetry or sequence.
  • Repetition: Some individuals might keep repeating actions, phrases or words numerous times to ensure accuracy.

Impact on daily life

OCD greatly affects one’s daily life, which makes it difficult to engage in normal activities. The fear of uncertainty caused by this condition can compel the affected individual to constantly ask reassurance from the people around them. The constant necessity for reassurance can sometimes annoy people leading to misunderstandings. Obsessions take up much time due to the requirement to carry out compulsions, and the discomfort felt when obsessions arise may cause significant impairment in social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning.

Loved ones can prove support to affected individuals by understanding their actions and preventing themselves from providing constant reassurance to build the person’s resilience towards life’s uncertainty. Professional treatment for OCD usually involves Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In some cases, medications can assist control symptoms and improve quality of life.

Get freedom from the effects of OCD with the assistance of a certified psychotherapist in New York.

Why Mindfulness Matters for OCD?

How OCD Fuels the Cycle of Anxiety?

In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), there is a self-perpetuating cycle of anxiety created by the interplay between obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts that disrupt regular thoughts, thus causing anxiety. Individuals combat this anxiety by engaging in compulsive behaviors, offering temporary relief.

Yet, this relief does not last long; it only helps strengthen the belief that such obsessions are genuine, leading to obsessive actions. This reinforcement confirms the connection between obsessions and compulsions, making individuals more prone to performing these behaviors in the future.

This cycle of obsessions, compulsions, and anxiety goes on, and the affected individual struggles to break away from this circle.

The Power of Mindfulness

To be mindful in relation to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) means to observe thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without any judgment or reaction. Mindfulness creates the mental gap between intrusive thoughts and compulsive reactions by cultivating non-judgmental attention.

This gap helps people visualize their obsessions without rushing into compulsion, thereby breaking the OCD cycle. Mindfulness can reduce the severity and frequency of obsessions and compulsions by promoting acceptance and reducing rituals.

As time goes on, mindfulness practice will lead to greater self-control and peace. Individuals will learn to embrace the uncertainty of life instead of avoiding it with constant reassurance. Individuals will also develop more skillful ways of responding to their intrusive thoughts while managing anxiety.

Mindfulness techniques for daily use

  • Mindful Breathing: Concentrate on breathing in this exercise. Direct the attention gently towards the rise and fall of the belly or the air entering through the nostrils. Whenever there is distraction, just acknowledge that and bring back the focus softly onto breathing for a little while.
  • Body Scan Meditation: In this activity, one consciously notices different areas of the body experiencing any discomfort or tension without judging them. Such a technique may assist one in becoming less reactive towards intrusions from the mind or even physical problems associated with OCD symptoms.


Both these practices can be followed anytime, anywhere. One can calm down amidst intrusive thoughts or during compulsion episodes.

Build Mindfulness Routine

The challenges posed by OCD can initially make it difficult for an individual to include mindfulness activities in their everyday routine. Try out various methods and see which ones resonate most deeply.

Whether it is several minutes spent in mindful breathing before starting out in the morning or guided meditation before sleeping at night, being consistent will assist one in reaping all benefits offered by mindfulness practices.

Learn more about the usefulness of mindfulness in OCD by consulting professional psychotherapy in NYC.

Evidence-Based Therapies for OCD

Mindfulness can come in handy, but always remember that self-help methods alone may not be enough to handle extreme or long-lasting symptoms of OCD. To attain successful treatment and long-term management of OCD, it is significant that one seeks professional assistance from a certified mental health provider.

Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP):

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is treated with Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP). This means gradually exposing patients to their intrusive thoughts or fears under controlled conditions while they are encouraged not to engage in any form of repetitive behavior.

It involves facing fears without performing the usual rituals. This assists individuals in appreciating that life comes with its ups and downs. So, over time the anxiety diminishes. Individuals also realize that the feared outcomes are unlikely to happen. The process breaks the cycle of obsessions and compulsions leading to development of better coping mechanisms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been found useful in identifying and challenging negative thinking patterns and beliefs that perpetuate OCD. Intrusive thoughts and irrational beliefs are redefined by CBT through cognitive reappraisal so that they become more realistic.

Besides, cognitive restructuring assists individuals question the validity of their obsessions and understand that they do not have to act on them. On top of all these, CBT imparts more useful strategies for managing stress and improving problem-solving skills.

This reduces anxiety levels among individuals who feel compelled to perform rituals every day. In turn, this promotes resilience throughout life coupled with better overall mental health status.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, individuals with OCD are taught that accepting intrusive thoughts and feelings without judgment is more important than attempting to control them. Furthermore, ACT advocates for the performance of values-based actions that are consistent with personal goals or desires. This assists individuals in breaking free of the OCD cycle.

The affected individual will learn to observe the mental processes rather than just being controlled by such intrusive thoughts. They can concentrate on things that actually matter in their life. ACT helps people affected by OCD take meaningful steps towards a fulfilling life. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy also promotes psychological flexibility and resilience to reduce OCD symptoms.

Reduce the control of OCD symptoms over mind with evidence- based therapy employed by professional counseling & psychotherapy services.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. How is mindfulness useful in alleviating the symptoms of OCD?

Mindfulness assists in controlling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) by creating a gap between intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and consequent compulsions. By observing thoughts, feelings, and physical sensations without judgment or reaction, individuals can reduce the severity and frequency of obsessions and compulsions.

What are the efficient mindfulness techniques for someone with OCD?

There are two useful mindfulness techniques for managing OCD, which include mindful breathing, whereby one concentrates on the breath while redirecting attention when it wanders off, and body scan meditation, where one consciously notices different parts of their body, acknowledging any discomfort or tension but not judging them. These practices assist individuals remain amidst intrusive thoughts/episodes of compulsion.

What professional treatments exist alongside mindfulness practices for OCD?

Professional treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder include exposure therapy, also known as Exposure-Response Prevention (ERP), which involves gradually exposing individuals to their fears under controlled conditions while encouraging them to resist compulsive behaviors. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy identifies and challenges negative thought patterns or beliefs. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy teaches acceptance of intrusive thoughts or feelings without judgment and promoting values-based actions.


Living with OCD can be really challenging. Mindfulness can act as an instrument to manage OCD symptoms. Reflecting on the intrusive thoughts and compulsions in a non-judgemental manner can help individuals respond more calmly. They can gradually free themselves from the anxiety trap.

So join hands with professional methods to start the journey of recovery from OCD. Consult professionals who are experienced in handling OCD.

Looking for a compassionate psychotherapist in NYC? Just contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice GS Mental Health and Wellness in Manhattan New York.


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