Depression – Diagnosis, early intervention, and treatment procedures

Depression, a form of mental health issue, is quite common in the fast-paced work of today. Depression can mentally drain the patient out of any joy or interest in life. The patient fails to live their lie to the fullest. This mental breakdown eventually affects the physical health of the one affected by depression.

So, if one is suffering from this mental health issue or at least has the symptoms of depression, they should take things seriously. Seeking help at the right time will help you get better sooner, letting you enjoy your life. You can also prevent depression from weakening your physical health.

So come on through this article, let’s learn about the diagnostic criteria of depression, the importance of treating it as early as possible, and how to seek help effectively.

To avail compassionate psychotherapy, you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

Understanding the Diagnostic Criteria for Depression

Though depression does have some tell-tale signs, health professionals do use medical guidelines to determine if you are suffering from depression. In the medical world, the diagnostic criteria for depression has been outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). This medical text is widely used as a classification system for mental health issues.

Here are the criteria for depressive episodes according to –

  • The individual experiences a depressed mood almost every day. These changes can be observed by the affected individuals themselves or others.
  • The individual affected by depression loses interest or pleasure in all activities almost every day.
  • Depression can bring abrupt changes in your weight. Due to changes in appetite, you either gain too much weight or lose too much of it.
  • Changes in sleep patterns are very common among those suffering from depression. The patient either develops hypersomnia ( Sleeps too much ) or gets insomnia( sleeps too less).
  • Depression can make individuals very fidgety and restless; they slow down too much. This change is usually very noticeable.
  • The individual with depression suffers from constant feelings of fatigue, guilt, and feelings of worthlessness nearly every day.
  • Depression can make it hard for people to focus on any task. So this eventually affects their work productivity too.
  • In severe cases, the individual might get recurrent thoughts of death or develop suicidal ideation.

In case at least a few of these symptoms are persisting in you for at least two weeks or more, then there is a high chance that you might be suffering from roman depression. However, do remember that only a mental health professional can diagnose you.

Why is early intervention necessary?

There are several benefits of treating depression at an early stage. Learn about the advantages of early treatment by going through the information below.

  • Timely intervention can give better treatment outcomes. The symptoms of depression can be treated long before they become severe.
  • Through timely intervention, you can live a better quality of life. You can maintain healthy social relationships and enjoy your hobbies.
  • Early treatment will prevent your physical health from getting weakened due to depression symptoms, too. Medical professionals can help you build a healthy eating pattern to maintain a healthy eight.
  • Early intervention to treat depression will help you build emotional resilience and healthy coping mechanisms.

For compassionate psychotherapy, you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

How to seek -help -A Step-by-Step Guide

Starting the journey to seek help for depression can be overwhelming. However, worry not; opening up about this mental health issue can make a huge difference for you. Here is the step-by-step guide on how to begin your journey of healing from depression.

Self- analysis

You can learn to understand your feelings, fear and worries through self- analysis. However, do not diagnose yourself without any help from trained medical professionals. Self-analysis is also necessary to find clarity. You can also express yourself to professionals treating you or your loved ones much more easily and clearly.

Talk to someone you trust

If you do have somebody you can trust and talk to about your feelings without any fear of judgment, open up to them. Sit down and speak to them calmly, explaining your emotions and thoughts to them. Having somebody you can talk to anytime to calm your mind can be really helpful for those suffering from depression.

Visit a general practitioner

Do visit a general practitioner before you visit a mental health expert. A general practitioner can assess the physical signs of depression and how they have affected your health. Then, the general practitioner can recommend you to the concerned specialist.

Learn about the online resources

If you’re unable to go for in-person therapy sessions, you can avail yourself of online sessions with mental health mentors. Thoroughly research the online resources to find a compassionate mental health guide who can help you heal.

Set short-term goals

Depression is a serious form of mental health issue. So, the journey of healing from this issue might take time for some patients, while others might feel better within only a few weeks. So remember that the pace of healing can vary from one person to another. Do set short term goals for yourself to keep your healing journey simple and relaxing. Stick to your treatment plan, and you will certainly see a difference.

Build your own support network

Individuals suffering from depression need to have a network of trusted friends and loved ones around them. Whenever you’re feeling weighed down by thoughts of worthlessness, you can talk to people from the network for some mental solace. Knowing that people understand you will also prevent feelings of loneliness in you.

Seek professional help

The ultimate step to healing from depression is to book a session with a mental health provider. They can help you with diagnosis and treatment. A mental health provider will provide you with a judgment-free space where you can express your deepest, darkest thoughts and struggles.

If you are looking for a compassionate psychotherapist who provides inclusive services for depression treatment, you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

Treatment methodologies used by professionals

Mental health providers employ various treatment methods to help those suffering from depression. The therapy used for treating depressive thoughts includes:

1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) (Reworded)

CBT is a therapy approach which aims to address and transform the feelings of worthlessness, self-doubt and fatigue and other such depression symptoms in you. Through different verbal communication techniques the mental health expert will help you express your internal struggles and emotions.

2. Acceptance and commitment therapy

ACT is a form of therapy that compassionately heals individuals from depression through mindfulness, acceptance and commitment to your own personal values. Through ACT you will learn to embrace your emotions without any harsh judgment. With a mental health expert you can learn to make meaningful life changes and build emotional resilience through this therapy.

3. Psychodynamic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy is an evidence based therapy approach that tries to understand your unconscious mind and its influence on your emotions and behaviors. Through this compassionate therapy the mental health expert will build a safe space where you can self- reflect to gain an insight into your feelings. Psychodynamic Therapy will address the root causes of depression and ensure long-lasting mental well-being.

Apart from this, most medical professionals suggest lifestyle changes, dietary changes, etc, to get rid of the unhealthy eating, living, and sleeping habits an individual might develop due to depression. Antidepressants are advised by the professionals only if necessary.

For compassionate psychotherapy, you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

FAQs- Depression And its early treatment

1) How can depression be diagnosed?

In the medical world, the diagnostic criteria for depression have been outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). This medical text is widely used as a classification system for mental health issues.

2) Can early intervention help cure depression more effectively?

Timely intervention can help [people suffering from depression build emotional resilience. Receiving treatment at the right time can also prevent depression from becoming chronic in the long run.

3)What treatment procedures do experts use for depression?

Medical health providers employ different Therapy methods, such as CBT, ACT, psychodynamic therapy, etc, to treat individuals suffering from depression. Apart from that, they also advise the affected individual to make lifestyle changes, dietary changes, etc.

Some final words

If you’re suffering from depression, you should seek help as early as possible. Embracing your thoughts and issues will help you get back to your original self. Mental health providers will provide you with a helping hand without any judgment. Remember that each individual’s healing journey and experience is unique. So, work with your therapist to heal from depression in your own way.

In case, if you are looking for a compassionate psychotherapist, you can contact psychotherapist Gita Sawhney at her practice, GS Mental Health & Wellness, in Manhattan, New York.

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